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Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have started adoring Kolkata more than anything since the past 7 days or so and it’s nice to be back here, to the long-known-busy-city of my dreams. Responsibilities and the management of work seem be slowly settling into a groove. This is quite an experience to deal with a bunch of people, who will quote prices for one particular job, trying to bypass the one beside, in their work-plan. A strategic approach has been adopted; else the frequent interaction with the “competitors” might be taken as a bias.

This is the first time in my life, where we are requesting someone to ask questions to whom we need to find a response: D. Just to quote a bidder “Boss, We don’t have a query...is that okay?!” It’s sometimes disheartening as well when you get to know that someone is not interested to get on with the proceedings. Then comes:- the marketing strategies.

Anyway, not going into the details, 2 very important dates in this huge sequence of events have incidentally landed on the Valentine’s Day and mera Janamdin: P respectively. Amazing... My first birthday outside Kolkata. Feels quite different. Feels quite maladroit!! Yet Job hay bhai Job!!

My colleague has been unavailable since the last couple of days which is the clear indication that he is planning to “give in” and is looking forward towards a (un) happy settled life :P . Less than a week to hell.. and he is enjoying every part of it. Go Matey Go :P